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For Researcher

BIG (Gut-Brain axis)

Introduction to Brain-patient’s Information-Gut
Brain-patient’s Information-Gut (BIG) has been designated as the Basic Research Lab of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2020.
BIG refers to Brain-patient’s Information-Gut and refers to the ‘BIG’ aim that tries to find a new acupuncture treatment mechanism by applying information.
To explain customized acupuncture treatment mechanisms for chronic inflammatory diseases such as atopic dermatitis based on Gut-Brain axis, our team of Korean Medicine acupuncture basic research expert, clinical expert, gut microbiota/probiotics expert, and brain imaging expert was gathered and is actively conducting research.
Through multidisciplinary research, the research team is working towards presenting a new perspective on future medicine using a new approach (gut-brain axis) and new big data analysis (AI and machine learning) to inform the global scientific community of the excellence of Korean Medicine acupuncture method for chronic inflammation.

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